Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Strategies for Zbiddy Auctions

Since I've had some success with zbiddy, I figured it'd be helpful if I shared some of the strategies I've used to win auctions and save as much money as possible. Again, zbiddy is a great opportunity for getting unbelievable deals on some of the hottest products, so it's worth investing time in learning as much as you can about how it works.

  1. take your time and watch several zbiddy auctions for items similar to the one you want to buy
  2. stay focused and bid on 1 product at a time
  3. be strategic with your timing; don't log on and start bidding during peak hours when competition on zbiddy will be highest
  4. take advantage of low hanging fruit. Some items on zbiddy have significantly less competition than others.
Good luck bidding on zbiddy auctions! Hope this helps you out. More zbiddy strategies coming soon!

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